Gargione Visit, in 10,000 Photos
We had the most fantastic time with the full Gargione family in DC this past weekend. The five inches of snow that fell Saturday gave us a guilt-free pass to stay in. We spent our time eating (read: letting Italo take over the kitchen as much as possible), laughing, and cuddling with, cooing at, giggling at, and otherwise doting over Harper. The future men in Harper's life were already in trouble with Darren as her dad; little do they know that they also have the Gargione posse to contend with.
I had many favorite moments, but one of them was when Harper and I were dozing off on Saturday afternoon after she ate, and I heard the thunderous roar of laughter from our kitchen table as this whole gang of people whom we love, love, love was gathered around storytelling and refilling their coffee mugs and beers during a brunch-turns-into-dinner that lasted all day. The Gargiones bring laughter with them wherever they go, and Harper has so much of it in store for her.
You know that you're dealing with one spoiled little lady when the result of our photo sharing after the weekend leaves us with 182 photos. There are just too many good ones, so here you go!
The Eating:
The Cuddling:
The Hand Holding (vastly different hand sizes, mind you):
The General Doting, Giggling, and Paparazzi-ing:
The Playing:
The Dude Time:
The Girl Time (watching a video of when I told Isa I was pregnant):
The "Cole and Max Get Crafty and Self-Title Photos of Harper Looking like a Mob Boss" Time:
And of course, the weekend wouldn't have been complete without the Chatting With Cole, Giggling with Max, and Wise Words from Italo Time: