We took the kids up to Whitetail last weekend, for Roycie’s first time on the slopes and Harper’s ski school debut (second time on skis.) Roycie’s instructor started him out on the flat area, and he immediately pointed and said “I want to go on the Hill!” He warmed up in no time and had a blast for about thirty minutes, at which point he refused to move another inch and declared that he wanted to go home. Little Granny to the rescue with all the cars!
Meanwhile, Harper’s first ski school sounded mixed. She started out with Leo and Avery, but then apparently had a minor fall and shifted to another group. There’s a lot of mama in there- was not so pleased to not be the best in her crew. I told her Leo is a very good skier because he went somewhere for a week and skied every day. Her response: “when can we do that so I can get really good at skiing?”
Roycie definitely has the gear down.
Until next year, Whitetail!