And just like that, we're an eight-some.
General themes of our 36 hour Griffin bonanza included: Royce snuggling and four-body pile-ups, playing house tag until everyone fell over with deep belly laughs, Dylan and Harper realizing they are inseparable, and the full kids crowd embracing no pants parties (or as Harper likes to refer to them, "no party pants!").
...and the potty. Nothing like a little competition with near-potty-trained Dylan to convince Harper that she didn't want to miss out on the action! By the end of Sunday, she had put three successes on the board. And thus begins this phase of life...
Also it's a travesty that none of the pics that I snapped of Harper and Dylan in potty mode are suitable for the internet. Suffice it to say, they are damn cute.
Miss you already Griffins! We'll watch this video on repeat until next time...